Learn How to Grow Tomatoes with These Easy Guidelines

Learning how to grow tomatoes is really not hard at all. A lot of vegetable gardeners love to include them in their gardens. They’re perfect for salads, garnishes and are used in a lot of meals.
I love the smell and taste of tomatoes even when they’re in the garden. Tomatoes grow best in hot, long growing seasons and in pots as well. However, there are varieties for every climate, area and garden condition.
Are you ready to learn how to grow tomatoes?
Ok let’s start with…
Planting Tomatoes
Organize a bed with lots of sun exposure and fill it up with some fertile soil. To get the best germination results, ensure that the soil temperature is between 60 to 85 degrees F.
This is to set a good foundation for you. If you’re located in the southern part of Florida or Texas, you can plant directly into the garden. Sow seeds about a ½ inch deep and thin to the sturdiest plants.
Growing tomatoes indoors especially in temperate zones is a wise choice. Start them 6 to 8 weeks before the frost free date in your area. Sow seeds ¼ inch deep and cover seed flats with newspaper, plastic or glass.
This helps to keep a level of humidity and darkness. The temperature must be kept at least 70 degrees F. Dry soil can affect the growing process so always moisten it up. Remove the cover as the seedlings begin to appear and provide them with lots of light.
Transfer the seedlings when they’re about 3 to 4 inches in height in a deeper container. Tuck those plants down into the soil right up to the leaves.

In some cases plants may need to be repotted again before they’re thoroughly settled into the garden. It usually depends on the weather conditions.
Transplanting Tomatoes
Tomatoes may be transplanted into the garden 3 weeks prior to the last frost date. This is accompanied with applying a protective covering to absorb heat.
Tomatoes are warm-seasoned vegetables and that’s why they can really benefit from some heat. Keep those seedlings fully watered and plant them in trenches. It’s important for them to feed off the warmth in shallow soils.
Pinch off the lowest leaves and arrange the plants horizontally 4 to 6 inches deep in shallow furrows. The tops of the plants must be projected from the soil.

Place the plants 2 to 6 feet apart according to how you train them and mulch the soil when it’s fully warmed.
How to Grow Tomatoes and Avoid Disease
Rotate your tomato crop annually and wait about 3 years before you plant tomatoes in the same area or in an area where peppers, potatoes or eggplants have grown.
Tomatoes are fairly pest free and it all depends on where you’re located.
Get Ready to Train Your Tomatoes
Tomatoes are referred to as self-fertile and insect pollinated. If you grow the crop under cover, use your hand to gently rustle the plants.
Here’s why…
This helps to stimulate the flowers which are male and female parts to self-pollinate and increase production. Tomatoes have different categories with regards to how they grow. The stout bushy plants are 18-30 inches tall and they flower and bear fruit all at once.
Indeterminate plants such as large vines, which reach about 6 feet, grow, flower and set fruit until frost. These vines can be permitted to spread out over the ground. They can be caged or staked to save some garden space.
Tie the vines of staking plants to their support as they extend while taking care to not cause any damage to the stem. Prune to remove any excess foliage and any unwanted stuff which result from leaf axils.
This will expose any ripening fruit to the sun. Staked plants do not produce as much as caged plants. For a favorable yield, place them at closer intervals per square foot.
It’s Harvest Time
Now you've learnt how to grow tomatoes...get ready to pick them. I like the ripened ones from the vine, they’re incredibly tasty.
Tomato fruits color up and start to ripen during late July or August. It’s according to the variety and your growing conditions. When they’re ready, don’t hesitate to pick them.
Take a grab at them immediately.
The plants will continue to produce until frost. Use protective plastic sheets to guard and drape the plants from light frost. When the weather transforms into a positive light and the season draws to an end, dig up the plants.
You can bring them into your house and hang them upside down for the fruit to proceed with the ripening process.
Health Benefits
Tomatoes contain large amounts of vitamin C and lycopene. Lycopene acts as an antioxidant that is responsible for fighting free radicals within the body. Free radicals tend to damage the cells in the body.
It also contains vitamin A, potassium and the recommended amount of iron for women. New studies have shown that tomatoes can help decrease the chance of getting lung cancer.
So there you have it, learning how to grow tomatoes can definitely add some good significance into your gardening life. All you have to do is to take it step by step, apply the proper care and the outcome will definitely be rewarding.
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